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Strength Leader Blog

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  In his book Failing Forward, my mentor, John C. Maxwell, talks about the difference between average people and achieving people, and it is, in large part, their perception of and response to failure. This is a powerful thought. He does not say that high achievers don’t make mistakes. In fact, they may make more […]

Perception and Response to Failure

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  For the most part, everyone desires to be successful. While each individual’s definition of success will vary, there is that underlying desire to achieve certain dreams and goals in life and business. But here’s the differentiator: not everyone who wants to be successful is taking action to get there. It takes time and effort […]

Actions that Lead to Success


  A recent article featured on the John Maxwell corporate leadership website asks a compelling question:  “Which is more important – your skill set or your mindset?” It is a challenging question until you consider whether there was ever a time when you had the skill set to take on a new opportunity, but your […]

Skill Set or Mindset – Which Matters Most?


  Organizations are living, breathing, dynamic entities because they are made up of people. As such, two things are constant: change and conflict. A leader’s success depends very much on how they handle these two variants. Great leaders take a firefighter approach to navigating conflict. They will, first of all, seek ways to prevent it […]

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