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He grew up poor and, while his mother worked day and night to support him and his brother, their father had abandoned the family years before. But his life was transformed by the lessons and actions of his mother. One day, in response to falling grades, she announced there would be no more than three […]
The Child After the fire, his parents wisely brought him to the scene of what was once their home so he could understand and process the loss. He had only two possessions – two stuffed toys he had grabbed in the evacuation as the fire had rapidly approached. As he stood there, clutching his toys, […]
If your December seems busy, it is because it is! December is a month of high productivity, transition, reflection, and preparation. It is a shifting point, where highly productive work segues into family time and then deep reflection and preparation for the year ahead. The shift from high productivity to wanting to clear the decks […]
In business today, as never before, there is a need for agility and action. In decades past, businesses had the luxury of making decisions and moving at a more measured pace. Before the internet, research and development took longer. In-person meetings took more time to plan and required more logistics. Manufacturing automation existed, but not […]
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