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It is the buzzword of the season: RESOLUTION. If you Google it, you get 1,500,000,000 results. According to an article, these are the Top 10 resolutions. Diet or eat healthier (71%) Exercise more (65%) Lose weight (54%) Save more and spend less (32%) Learn a new skill or hobby (26%) Quit smoking (21%) […]
In a day where “hard travel” means a delayed flight or long lines at the airport, it is hard to imagine what the pioneers of yesteryear endured in their travels to the Western frontier. We get a sense of what it was like in the old western movies, but only a sense. In the […]
Each person is endowed with a unique set of innate strengths. These strengths are gifts that, when applied to work and life, allow you to reach your full potential. Circumstances may change, and you may adapt somewhat, but you will always have those same core strengths. In our work with DISC profiling, we are […]
“Something doesn’t feel right. This work is draining my energy like a worn-out battery. The charge just won’t hold, and nothing I do gets me excited about my work anymore.” “This job annoys me!” “That person annoys me!” “I think I need to find another line of work.” “I hate my job.” “I have that […]
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