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It is the buzzword of the season: RESOLUTION.
If you Google it, you get 1,500,000,000 results.
According to an Inc.com article, these are the Top 10 resolutions.
- Diet or eat healthier (71%)
- Exercise more (65%)
- Lose weight (54%)
- Save more and spend less (32%)
- Learn a new skill or hobby (26%)
- Quit smoking (21%)
- Read more (17%)
- Find another job (16%)
- Drink less alcohol (15%)
- Spend more time with family and friends (13%)
If you study the list, this shows the areas where most people are seeking balance and success: physical health, financial security, personal development, career growth, and relationships.
Resolutions like those noted above indicate something you will stop doing or start doing. Interestingly, the word “resolution” also means to solve a problem or resolve a conflict. Essentially, if you resolve to start or stop taking certain actions, you are setting yourself up to be able to solve a problem, settle a conflict, or obtain satisfactory results.
Now we all know that most who make a resolution on January 1 break it by January 15.
Why do we set ourselves up for success, then sabotage it?
It could be that we are focused more on RESOLUTIONS than on RESULTS. Resolutions are focused actions; results are focused purpose. Actions without purpose die on the vine. But actions with purpose result in growth. The fact is, we need both.
John Maxwell said it well: “It occurred to me that if you focus on goals, you may hit goals—but that doesn’t always guarantee growth. If you focus on growth, you will grow and always hit goals.”
As a leader, you set the standard for yourself, your family, your team, and your organization. Are you up to the challenge this year? Are you focused on RESULTS (Purpose) and RESOLUTION (Action)…both, and in that order?
Here are ways to help you take RESOLUTE ACTION to obtain PURPOSEFUL RESULTS.
Revenue – What are the revenue results you want to achieve?
“More income” is not enough to pull you through the January give-up point. What exactly is the number you are targeting? How will you reach that number? And most importantly, WHY do you want to reach these numbers?
If you are D-wired, it may be that you want to overcome a challenge to reach a higher level. If you are I-wired, it may be that you want to help people or do something fun. If you are S-wired, it may be that you want to be able to save to a certain level in your account. If you are C-wired, it may be that you want to obtain something of higher quality.
Write down your revenue GOAL and your revenue WHY.
Engagement – What relationships in your life need added engagement?
For business leaders, there are two main areas that must be guarded carefully. Engagement is one of them. This is all about relationships – spouse, friends, family, team, and community. Without purposeful attention to each of these relationships, you may, indeed, find yourself lonely at the top.
If you are D-wired, block off your calendar to do things with the individuals most important to you. Outdoor adventures or activities that involve results and challenge will be both enjoyable to you and nurturing to your relationships. If you are I-wired, engagement comes easy. Just be sure to add commitment to engagement so you do not let down the people you care about most. If you are S-wired, remind yourself that connection is integral to who you are, and look for opportunities to help others. If you are C-wired, engagement can be a challenge, but it is also necessary. Invest in quality relationships.
Write down your engagement GOAL and your engagement WHY.
Self- Development – What personal results do you want to achieve?
Envision yourself at your best. What does it look like and feel like? What opportunities does it bring to you? As is evident in the Top 10 Resolutions list, most resolutions are related to self-care. The list itself indicates this is an area that tends to be neglected. It is easy to focus on work and others so much that you neglect to take care of the one person who is most critical to your success – YOU! What are your desired results, and WHY?
If you are D-wired, you will want to develop any weak areas that may be holding you back. If you are I-wired, partner up with a friend or join a group with common goals. If you are S-wired, consider how you can be a better you in order to better serve those who mean the most to you. If you are C-wired, focus on self-quality and ways you can become the best version of you.
Write down your self-development GOAL and your self-development WHY.
Unload – What do you need to declutter?
One reason resolutions fall by the wayside is clutter – a cluttered calendar, environment, or mind will sabotage even the best of efforts. Self-sabotage comes from mind clutter. Determine what you need to declutter in order to focus on what you want to achieve.
If you are D-wired, you are action-oriented. You may need to declutter some actions in order to make room for others. If you are I-wired, idea clutter can be an issue. Find a system to capture your ideas and then choose one to three at a time to finish to completion. If you are S-wired, clutter can accumulate from unmade decisions. Determine where the clutter is happening, and develop a decision-making process that will help you keep it under control. If you are C-wired, clean, clear space is its own reward. Focus on the clarity that will come from clearing any clutter that is blocking your success.
Write down your unloading GOAL and your unloading WHY.
Leadership – What are your leadership results?
Good leadership doesn’t just happen – it is honed by intention. While it is comfortable to stay where you are, there is a need to reach beyond your comfort zone. This creates growth and leadership opportunities. Consider where you are – but also where you could be if you stepped up your leadership ability in some way.
If you are D-wired, your leadership ability is naturally well-honed. But you can improve your leadership by learning to listen and communicate well. If you are I-wired, adding dependability to your ability to connect with others will increase your leadership exponentially. If you are S-wired, you can lead by developing systems and making meaningful connections. If you are C-wired, applying your level of quality to leadership will take the organization to higher levels.
Write down your leadership GOAL and your leadership WHY.
Team Development – How can you help your team succeed?
You can’t get very far in life alone. Teams are important. Personally, these are friends and family. Professionally, these are co-workers, employees, vendors, customers, and fellow leaders. Consider how you can help those around you succeed, and do something each day to lead, equip, and encourage that success.
If you are D-wired, your team needs your ability to solve a problem and move forward. If you are I-wired, your team needs your gifts of encouragement and innovation. If you are S-wired, your team needs your heart of service and your penchant for organization. If you are C-wired, your team needs your discernment and attention to detail and quality.
Write down your team development GOAL and your team development WHY.
Service – How can you better serve your family, friends, organization, and community?
We are all in the business of service. Whether you sell a product or service, the bottom line is, you are serving a need. Ask yourself on a regular basis how you can serve others. Whereas many business leaders tend to focus on their creation or the company’s offerings, there is great merit in asking how the business can better serve its customers and vendors. Answer that question, and you have begun to map your success.
If you are D-wired, you serve by action. If you are I-wired, you serve by optimism. If you are S-wired, you serve by caring. If you are C-wired, you serve by providing practical solutions to difficult problems.
Write down your service GOAL and your service WHY.
Once you have identified your GOALS and PURPOSE, RESOLUTION is simply a matter of identifying the actions you will take to reach those goals and serve that purpose. Keeping your eye on RESULTS rather than RESOLUTION will give you the motivation you need to push through the give-up point.
To learn how you can have greater leadership impact in this new year, click here to learn about the Maxwell Method of Communication Impact Report.
As the CEO of Strength Leader Development, Deb Ingino is a highly sought-after international executive mentor, coach, trainer and speaker. Deb is well versed in global business operations and helps business leaders and their teams to discover and leverage their strengths, so they can create highly collaborative teams that deliver great results. With a refreshingly direct style, Deb helps leaders and their teams to deliver profitable results. Connect with Deb to learn more about her mentorship and coaching programs to equip you with advanced strategies to elevate your results.
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