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STATEMENT Have you ever uttered a statement like the ones below? “I’ve always wanted to start a business, but I don’t know where to begin.” “I don’t understand technology.” “I could never speak in front of a large audience…or a small one…or any audience!” “I am not good at leading a team.” “I wouldn’t know […]
If you ask the leader of a company why an employee left the company, they will often indicate the person left because of money. And, while this is a factor, especially now as personal budgets are stretched to near breaking points, study after study has confirmed it is not the main factor. The main factors […]
While we live in a very automated, mass production kind of society, what people really crave are things tailored to and for them as individuals. Personalization matters. One-on-one, face-to-face, and in-person time and attention matter. As digital as we have become, there is still that need for tailored focus and attention. The word “tailor” comes […]
In real estate and legal terms, “common ground” is, essentially, ground that is owned by more than one person. They have shared interest in a common property. Now, they may have vastly different ideas on what should be done with or on that property, but the key factor is that they share the same “common […]
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