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Strength Leader Blog

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Trust and truth are bedrocks of leadership. Without these, there is no cohesive forward action. How can you shore up these foundational tenets of leadership? Define Values First and foremost, they must come from within, and they start with having values. Values are those core principles that define who you are. Defining them in writing […]

Bedrocks of Leadership

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It’s no secret. We live in a world of chaos, disorder, and distraction. It is affecting life and business in ways we may not be accustomed to experiencing. Even nature itself seems to be getting in on the act. As leaders, we must face the reality and find a way to lead through the circumstantial […]

Leading Through Chaos and Distraction


In the 17th century, an early American settler and mapmaker decided it would be advantageous to connect the waters of the Delaware Bay and the Chesapeake Bay, both of which flow into the Atlantic Ocean. And, so, what began as a small ditch became a small waterway, at first only big enough for a canoe […]

How Can You Use Your Strengths to Lead?


It is nearly the end of a quarter. Some goals are completed. Others need a full-court press to reach the finish line. And still others need to be moved forward into a new quarter or tabled altogether. There is a natural chaos that occurs in the flurry to the finish. And there is the need […]

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