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Strength Leader Blog

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STATEMENT Have you ever uttered a statement like the ones below? “I’ve always wanted to start a business, but I don’t know where to begin.” “I don’t understand technology.” “I could never speak in front of a large audience…or a small one…or any audience!” “I am not good at leading a team.” “I wouldn’t know […]

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

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In business today, as never before, there is a need for agility and action. In decades past, businesses had the luxury of making decisions and moving at a more measured pace. Before the internet, research and development took longer. In-person meetings took more time to plan and required more logistics. Manufacturing automation existed, but not […]

Team Building for Agility and Action


In real estate and legal terms, “common ground” is, essentially, ground that is owned by more than one person. They have shared interest in a common property. Now, they may have vastly different ideas on what should be done with or on that property, but the key factor is that they share the same “common […]

Common Ground to Higher Ground


Success doesn’t just happen, even when something appears to be an “overnight success.” It comes because, day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year, someone acted with relentless intention. And while this is not the answer most of us want to hear, it is the surest path to success. Here […]

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