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118 elements. This is the number of elements currently recognized as the building blocks of the universe. From the air we breathe to the soil we walk upon (and everything in between), everything is formed from these few basic elements. In fact, a core group of these elements comprises us as human beings, and […]
“How much longer will I have to wait in this line?” It is a question people ask themselves daily as they wait in line for food service, airport security clearance, making a purchase, or sending a package. Even in online business, customers who purchase are asking, “How long do I have to wait?” In […]
Many entrepreneurs and business leaders start or run a business from a self-based perspective that could be summed up as, “Here is what I (or we) do. Buy our goods and services.” But clients and customers buy based on a different perspective: their own. They want to know how your product or service will […]
“My best employee just left to work for my competitor. He said he did not feel that his work here was valued and appreciated. I don’t understand that at all…we gave him a significant pay raise last year!” This is the lament of a leader who does not understand fully the language of giving […]
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