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Strength Leader Blog

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  A trip to urgent care, an ambulance ride, and a stay in the hospital reveal the healing power of DISC in action. On the front end of the spectrum, you will find the D-wired individuals who are quick to assess, decide, and take action. Firefighters, ambulance drivers, triage medics, and emergency room personnel fall […]

Creating a Strong Team that Serves Well

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  There’s a special fire-fighting force called “Hotshots.” Their job is to go into areas and launch an offense against an impeding fire line. This requires enormous strength, skill, stamina, and sacrifice. Hotshots work to build a line the fire can’t cross – by digging down into the soil to remove all possible fuel sources […]

Three Valuable Opposing Forces


  Numerous studies have cited the health benefits of strong relationships. In one study of 309,000 people, it was determined that “lack of strong relationships increased the risk of premature death from all causes by 50%.” Where the focus is normally on healthy physical habits, diet, and exercise, this study underscores the even greater need […]

Mentoring Today’s Workforce


  You may not understand them. You may not even like working with them. In fact, they may downright aggravate you. But you need them. You need the people who are opposite of you. There is great value in the symbiotic relationship of introverts and extroverts. Extroverts tend to be the initiators and risk takers; […]

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