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Strength Leader Blog

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In the 17th century, an early American settler and mapmaker decided it would be advantageous to connect the waters of the Delaware Bay and the Chesapeake Bay, both of which flow into the Atlantic Ocean. And, so, what began as a small ditch became a small waterway, at first only big enough for a canoe […]

How Can You Use Your Strengths to Lead?

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In the workplace, there has always been a need for hard skills and soft skills. Hard Skills Hard skills in the realms of technology and business, especially, have been in high demand for several decades now. In more recent years, the demand for hard skills of the trades has risen in relevance, as populations have […]

Hard Skills and Soft Skills


He had lived a full life, so full that those who heard his stories in later years found it hard to believe that one person could have done so much in a single lifetime. But he did. And he left behind a legacy that carries through to this day and beyond. Lives saved, businesses that […]

The Art of Finishing Well


While it remains to be seen what history books will reflect on when it comes to the decade of the 2020s, one thing is certain. It will be earmarked by one word: CHANGE. Since 2020, there has been a constant state of change that escalates now on a daily basis. Business owners and leaders have […]

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