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Whether you ascribe to the idea of New Years resolutions or not, there is a shifting point that happens as the new year starts. It is the shift toward starting new things and toward productivity. It is a wave that you, as a leader, can use to jump start your success for the year. Three […]
Leaders have a vision for the future of their organization. It is what draws the organization forward and gives it purpose. And, true to the principle, where there is no vision, the organization will perish. A vision is vital to organizational health. But having a vision is not enough. The organization must also develop a […]
In the workplace, there has always been a need for hard skills and soft skills. Hard Skills Hard skills in the realms of technology and business, especially, have been in high demand for several decades now. In more recent years, the demand for hard skills of the trades has risen in relevance, as populations have […]
He had lived a full life, so full that those who heard his stories in later years found it hard to believe that one person could have done so much in a single lifetime. But he did. And he left behind a legacy that carries through to this day and beyond. Lives saved, businesses that […]
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