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Strength Leader Blog

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  There is a saying that you can’t really go home again because, when you went away, your life moved forward and so did the lives of those who made home “home.” And so, you can go back to a place, but it will be different – not necessarily good or bad – but different […]

Leading Forward When You Can’t Go Back

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  Have you ever stopped to consider how much time you spend waiting? Or driving? For parents with kids in school, this could be the equivalent of a part-time job! What about the time you are waiting for an appointment or getting your car serviced? Or the time you are on hold or performing household […]

Making Intentional Use of Time


  This series of “Lessons from Al” is dedicated to the life and legacy of one of the most influential mentors in my life, career, and management, Al Berg. Add this to the “Statements You Would Never Hear at NASA” list: “Countdown…3…2…1…Oops, did anybody remember to fuel up?” Rocket scientists know the importance of these […]

Service as a Propellant


  “The travel budget is $6.5 million a year. We’d like for you to find a way to save 10%.” That was the mission. The travel manager went on to bring the budget down to $2.5 million – and all this at a time when travel was at an all-time company high point. Higher volume, […]

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