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Strength Leader Blog

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If you ask an interior designer what makes a well-designed home, they will, in some form or fashion, allude to the five basic senses: Sight Smell Hearing Taste Touch An appealing wall color with a pop of art, an aromatic air freshener, background music, homemade cookies on the counter, and interesting textures – these welcome […]

The 5 Senses of Communication

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In previous articles, we have talked about planning well and finishing well. As the quarter-end and year-end draw near, it is time to focus on two other aspects: giving well and preparing well. This article will focus on giving. It was the proverbial rags to riches story – with a twist. He started out working […]

Rags to Riches with a Twist


This series covers the 12 Habits of Effective Entrepreneurs. Click here to view previous articles. Habit #8 – Effort It was a “Hail Mary” kind of effort. The business depended on one major initiative, at the end of the year, to carry the business through the entire next year. It was a risky “eggs in […]

12 Habits of Effective Entrepreneurs-Habit 8


Truly effective business leaders have both an operational mindset and a heart for people. You will occasionally meet a leader who has singular focus toward one side or the other; but they will be limited because of it. On one hand, a leader must build the business with close attention to the bottom line; and […]

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This Free E-Book is a 3-part communication strategy for long-range impact. It's time to protect the bottom line, build the top line & enhance the middle line.


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