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Strength Leader Blog

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As business leaders, we must practice the art of consistently asking ourselves, “What’s the next big thing?” If we wait until the next big thing comes and is common practice, we will find ourselves behind the proverbial eight ball. How do you know what “the next big thing” will be? Very simply, you look at […]

What’s the Next Big Thing?

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“I can’t get my team to cooperate.” “I’m losing my best people, and I don’t know why.” “I spend more time correcting than I do directing.” “My team members are just not engaged in their work.” “They just don’t listen to me.” These are the lamentations of a frustrated manager. Those who aspire to be […]

Are You a Frustrated Manager?


In a recent email message to his audience, successful entrepreneur Derek Halpern tells about the day he realized he was going to have to leave the corporate world in order to make an impact in business. He had worked on a presentation and provided it to his boss. He had put a great deal of […]

Why Are We Losing Our Best Employees?


Have you as a leader ever made a mistake? A leader I respect very much made a change last year in his business. Many others, including myself, followed suit and made similar changes. Recently, he admitted that his experiment had failed and that he was rescinding that change. What was my reaction? I respected this […]

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