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Strength Leader Blog

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  In previous articles, we have talked about “Leading Through Crisis,” which is essentially absorbing the shock, re-establishing stability, and shifting the mindset and resources of yourself and your team in order to maintain business viability. But what comes after the crisis? Thankfully, crises don’t last forever. They may seem to when you are in […]

Four Ways to Prepare for the Surge

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  A trip to urgent care, an ambulance ride, and a stay in the hospital reveal the healing power of DISC in action. On the front end of the spectrum, you will find the D-wired individuals who are quick to assess, decide, and take action. Firefighters, ambulance drivers, triage medics, and emergency room personnel fall […]

Creating a Strong Team that Serves Well


  It is a business model that is not supposed to work. In 2016, it only had 1,950 locations versus its main competition, which had 14,000 locations. In an era of 24/7, 365-day-a-year operations across a multitude of industries, it is closed one day a week, resulting in an estimated loss of over $1 billion […]

Heart of Service is the Heart of Business


Every person, at some time or another, must know how to sell. “I am not a salesperson,” you may say, “I am _____________.” You can fill in the blank with any number of roles – a business owner, mother/father, assistant, accountant, attorney, or quality control manager, for example. The roles are endless. But every single […]

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