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This series covers the 12 Habits of Effective Entrepreneurs. Click here to view previous articles. Habit #12 – Remediation “We know the facility is in need of repair, but this will have to wait. We need to spend more money on marketing so we can generate sales.” A few months after this meeting, the compliance […]
In today’s world, without purposeful attention, you could be working non-stop on other people’s priorities. It is critical that you, as a leader, take the time to determine your priorities, create margin, and regularly recharge. Your family, organization, and community need you to be at your best, and you cannot be at your best […]
This series of “Lessons from Al” is dedicated to the life and legacy of one of the most influential mentors in my life, career, and management, Al Berg. Across many decades, I have personally observed one constant in the world of business. That constant is the paradox of change. It doesn’t matter whether the […]
In a day where “hard travel” means a delayed flight or long lines at the airport, it is hard to imagine what the pioneers of yesteryear endured in their travels to the Western frontier. We get a sense of what it was like in the old western movies, but only a sense. In the […]
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