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Strength Leader Blog

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 If you are an aspiring entrepreneur this message is for you. Is this how you thought your business would be? You sit on your couch. Your SEO magic gives you a six figure income. You are living the life you always imagined. Nice dream right. Here is the reality. It takes work, hard work. It […]

Get Off The Couch And Launch

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Business conditions change, they shift, the winds of change blow and we have two choices. We can become compliant and allow ourselves to be consumed by the changing conditions or we can light a fire and make ourselves fuel that is in fact creating and consuming what we need to build our momentum. In both circumstances […]

Are You The Firewood Or The Fire?


When things are moving in the right direction, take a moment and ride the wave but…don’t get too accustomed to it because the wave will flatten at some point. Celebrate your wins, your successes, but make sure you do not become complacent and ‘ride the wave’ too long. You will need to get back to […]

Ride The Wave


Ever feel like you’ve got a target right on your chest for all to see and take practice shots at? It can happen to all of us from time to time but you may want to see who placed the bull’s-eye on you in the first place.   If you are a leader merely relying on your position or title […]

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This Free E-Book is a 3-part communication strategy for long-range impact. It's time to protect the bottom line, build the top line & enhance the middle line.


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