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Strength Leader Blog

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  It happens quite frequently in the workplace. An “A” player gets recognized for their efforts to a point where the company offers the star employee a leadership role. The logic is sound. If someone is excellent at what they do, then have them lead a team of others to replicate that success. Only, it […]

The Promotional Shift

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  You may not understand them. You may not even like working with them. In fact, they may downright aggravate you. But you need them. You need the people who are opposite of you. There is great value in the symbiotic relationship of introverts and extroverts. Extroverts tend to be the initiators and risk takers; […]

The Symbiotic Relationship of Introverts and Extroverts


  The job market is markedly improved, which brings new opportunities for employees – and new challenges for employers seeking to fill positions. According to studies, the average cost per new hire is around $4,000 and takes 24 to 42 days. This is the average. Some positions are much more costly to replace and could […]

Four Steps to Avoid Hirer’s Remorse


What business are you in? Answers may include health, manufacturing, legal, finances, consulting, coaching, hospitality, retail, IT, electrical, teaching, construction, or perhaps real estate. There are many possible answers you would receive if you asked this question of a group of people. But the real answer is not exactly any of these. As a leader, […]

The Business of PEOPLE

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