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Strength Leader Blog

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  Each year, at the start of a new year, countless numbers of people make New Year’s resolutions. And, according to an article, “A study of 800 million activities predicts most New Year’s resolutions will be abandoned on January 19.” Most. But not all. The key differentiator is “discipline.” Jim Rohn sums it up […]

The Bridge to Accomplishment

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    It is that time of year when we find ourselves naturally looking in two directions: backwards and forwards. This is a healthy perspective. Think about where you were last year versus where you are this year. What have you accomplished toward the goals you set? Even if you have made minimal progress, celebrate […]

Looking Back and Moving Forward


  This is now the time of year when a societal mind-shift tends to occur. It is when most people shift from driving outwardly toward work and business goals to reflecting inwardly on personal goals and family. It is the season of legacy. It has been observed that the last six weeks of the year […]

What Legacy Will You Choose?


What would happen to your business if you took a vacation? Your answer to this can be very revealing. Can your business run without you? Can your team function without you? Or do you take pride in being the cog that holds it all together…all the time? This works to a point. And then, it […]

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