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Strength Leader Blog

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There’s a little town in West Virginia with a big history. White Sulfur Springs became known as an area health spa in the late 1700’s. The majestic Greenbrier Resort was built and later served as a headquarters and hospital during the Civil War. In later wars, it would shelter diplomats and serve as a hospital […]

Small Town, Big Lessons

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You likely have heard of, or have participated in, one of those teamwork exercises, where each table of participants is handed the same exact set of instructions and resources for building a structure. Inevitably, this exercise yields 8 or 10 variations of “buildings,” all from the exact same set of instructions! Why does this happen? […]

The Communication Filter


Business leaders are conditioned, either by nature or by culture, to major on productivity. There is relentless pressure to always be striving for greater results, higher income, better profit margin, and higher levels of achievement. Competition can be fierce in today’s business world; and if you are not moving ahead aggressively, you are falling behind […]

Leadership Productivity and Balance


  In recent years, some major shifts have occurred in the workplace. Baby Boomers, once the largest working demographic, are now outnumbered by Millennials. The standard top-down hierarchy has become more collaborative, with leaders at all levels. And even the location and means of work have shifted from rigidly structured to highly flexible. With people […]

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