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Strength Leader Blog

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There is a common pattern in organizations when it comes to mission statements. The governing board will spend days – sometimes months – developing a mission statement, and then as soon as it is communicated, it is essentially lost in the day-to-day operations. A mission statement, by definition, is the core of your organization – […]

Why You Need a Clear Mission Statement

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  I grew up in the home of an alcoholic. It was not an easy life. My father nearly lost his health, his family, and in fact, his life, to alcohol abuse. But I am thrilled to say he discovered Alcoholics Anonymous in his later years and finally obtained the help he needed. He then […]

Are You a Workaholic?


You are a salesperson. “Wait,” you may be thinking, “I am not in sales; I am a CEO.” Or you may be an entrepreneur or a manager. In any case, you are likely thinking you are NOT a salesperson…but the fact is, you are. No matter what your leadership position is within a company, you […]

You Are a Salesperson

Business Success

Anyone who owns or leads a business knows there is one key to success that rises above all others, and that is production of results that are in alignment with the mission of the company. It doesn’t matter how many meetings you attend, miles you travel, phone calls you take, or emails you answer in […]

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