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Strength Leader Blog

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It’s no secret. Today’s “to do” list for the average business leader outpaces any version in history. The devices that were intended to make our lives easier have also made them more demanding of immediate attention. Think about it. If you sat down today and listed every task you have…in your mind, in your email, […]

Commission and Omission for Business Growth

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As business leaders, we must practice the art of consistently asking ourselves, “What’s the next big thing?” If we wait until the next big thing comes and is common practice, we will find ourselves behind the proverbial eight ball. How do you know what “the next big thing” will be? Very simply, you look at […]

What’s the Next Big Thing?


  Contrary to some common misconceptions, the purpose of leadership in a company is not to garner a lucrative salary, vacation at luxurious golf resorts, and rubber stamp a warmed-over version of last year’s strategic plan. A truly effective leadership team is not made up of “yes” men or women, but of actively thinking individuals […]

Keeping Your Organization on TRACK


“I can’t get my team to cooperate.” “I’m losing my best people, and I don’t know why.” “I spend more time correcting than I do directing.” “My team members are just not engaged in their work.” “They just don’t listen to me.” These are the lamentations of a frustrated manager. Those who aspire to be […]

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