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Strength Leader Blog

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Oftentimes when I’m coaching people, I meet clients who just want to find an idea and stick with it ‘for-evah.’ Oh no. The kiss of death to their long term success. Why? Leaders learn that… Change is inevitable. Change provides an opportunity for growth. Change is a key to long term success. Here’s a great […]

Ch Ch Ch Changes

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I am guilty of occasionally worrying about what others might think if I take my strengths and “let em rip.” What would they say? What would I do? How would I feel? We’re all fragile in one way or another, but isn’t it ridiculous when we hide the talents and gifts we’ve been given to […]

This Is Ridiculous!


I just returned from a business trip to Europe, and while I love helping people to operate in their strengths, it always feels good when you can enjoy something familiar and comforting. So, one early evening before dinner I sat myself down at a cafe and ordered coffee.  I must confess a latte is an […]



For so many of us, we focus on what we are not. If only I were tall. If only I were thin. If only I was older. If only I was younger. If only I could write. If only I could speak in front of a group. If only I was good with numbers. And […]

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