

February 7, 2011

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I'm Deb- CEO, worldwide executive coach, mentor, consultant and speaker. I'm here to help you take your leadership and impact to the next level!

Meet Deb

More than expectedI just returned from a business trip to Europe, and while I love helping people to operate in their strengths, it always feels good when you can enjoy something familiar and comforting.

So, one early evening before dinner I sat myself down at a cafe and ordered coffee.  I must confess a latte is an indulgence I enjoy over and over and over again.  It never gets old.

After sitting down in this charming cafe overlooking a canal in the heart of Amsterdam, I ordered my latte.  The server eagerly took my order and returned back ten minutes later with my latte and a little something extra.  A three-compartment white dish with sugar cubes, expresso beans and 2 cookies.  He also had placed in front of me a glass of ice water. Wow! A latte with…something more!

I had ordered a latte, and this small cafe gave me an experience.  I so appreciated the something more they gave!  It was unexpected, unwarranted, unnecessary but, oh, so appreciated.

I mean, what coffee drinker doesn’t need a glass of water afterwards and the “sweets” were a welcomed extra for sure!

When I returned back to my hotel at the end of my meeting, I thought about the day and what I had learned.  My latte came to mind.  You see that small gesture reminded me of the power of “more.”  Now, I look to see what “more” I can bring to my clients, those I serve.

We all appreciate more…we love being treated well, treated special and appreciated just for being a client.  So what about the people you serve?  What more can you give them to help them feel special and appreciated by you today?

I’m looking each day to see the ways I can give more, and in the theme of more…I’d like to give you a copy of The Strengths Edge E Book, just go to this link and download your copy.

Thanks for being you.

Enjoy your latte and something more!

