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Strength Leader Blog

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It is nearly the end of a quarter. Some goals are completed. Others need a full-court press to reach the finish line. And still others need to be moved forward into a new quarter or tabled altogether. There is a natural chaos that occurs in the flurry to the finish. And there is the need […]

The Quarterly SHIFT Formula for Leaders

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You open your mail, and there it is. Someone has opened an account in your name, with a credit line of $20,000. Good for them. Foreseeably, very bad for you. If you are smart (and, of course, you would be), you take swift action to block them from actually using that line of credit that […]

Stolen Identity


Habit #2 – Numbers-Focused “Things are looking better and better,” said the CEO, as even the least analytical in the crowd looked incredulously at the chart showing otherwise. Within two years, the company closed its doors for good. Over 16,000 people lost their jobs, including the CEO and the people in that room. Why did […]

12 Habits of Effective Entrepreneurs-Habit 2


Thirteen years ago, I began a journey that would lead me out of a very rewarding corporate career and into the relatively unknown world of business as an entrepreneur. At the time, I had no idea where it would lead, only that it was a journey I needed to take. As most entrepreneurs do in […]

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