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Let’s be real. We are facing enormous challenges, massive changes, and sudden shifts in every area of life – personal, professional, and societal. No area is untouched, and where we were just three weeks ago is so very different from where we are today. While we leaders are adept at change, and often the […]
Risk management. Few like to think about it. Many put off unpleasantries like risk management planning, crisis communication plans, and remediation plans. And, let’s face it, no one likes to get the call from the risk manager saying, “We need to talk.” Marketing is fun, and sales are exciting. Development is interesting. But communication […]
December 2011. That was when I left a company that had been like family for decades to begin my own business. It was also the time when I said goodbye to one of the most influential mentors in my life, career, and management, Al Berg. Al was the visionary who partnered with two associates to […]
“This isn’t working.” Chances are, there are times when you as a leader have had this thought. Chances are, also, that your team members and employees also have had this thought. The good news is, you have something in common. You have identified something that is not working. You can choose to ignore the […]
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