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In his most recent book, Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace, John C. Maxwell addresses an all-important aspect of leadership that most learn only by experience. That aspect is the shift that is needed to become a truly effective leader. Leadership doesn’t just happen. There are those who are more naturally geared to lead […]
Many entrepreneurs and business leaders start or run a business from a self-based perspective that could be summed up as, “Here is what I (or we) do. Buy our goods and services.” But clients and customers buy based on a different perspective: their own. They want to know how your product or service will […]
Business environments have been the subject of experimentation for decades and are even more so in today’s modern business world. The debate over cubicles versus open concept has been ongoing, with the pendulum swinging back and forth for years now. Millions of dollars have been spent on such experimentation. In addition, more and more […]
It is the buzzword of the season: RESOLUTION. If you Google it, you get 1,500,000,000 results. According to an article, these are the Top 10 resolutions. Diet or eat healthier (71%) Exercise more (65%) Lose weight (54%) Save more and spend less (32%) Learn a new skill or hobby (26%) Quit smoking (21%) […]
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