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Strength Leader Blog

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Some days it seems like people are just going through the motions.  Oh sure their body showed up but their mind and their attention are elsewhere.  We all have days like that. I don’t know about you but if I ever need cardiac surgery or worse brain surgery I hope the surgeon is not having […]

Did You Just Show Up?

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  In my career, it was clear early on that the only people who had sticking power on the team were the ones that cared. You can teach someone ‘how’ to do something, that required nothing more than time and training but, if they didn’t care if they weren’t coachable and teachable, then all of […]

Apathy is incurable


I live in New York, the home of some amazing food. Just a short trip away is some of the most incredible food from all over the world.  But just because the food exists doesn’t mean I’m consuming it or being nourished from it. Similarly like me you probably have books, dvd’s, webinars,  and other […]



  One of the dichotomies in business is that you need sales to grow the business, and you need to improve the business to grow sales.  There are several propellants to helping your team, your company, or your organization to reach its potential.     One key is to expand ownership.     Don’t worry. […]

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