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Strength Leader Blog

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  We are given the unique opportunity each day of creating a masterpiece. The concept of making each day a masterpiece was a hallmark instilled in Coach John Wooden by his father and one he passed on to his players. This is true especially for leaders, who have the opportunity to not only paint their […]

Use Your Strengths to Create a Masterpiece

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What would happen to your business if you took a vacation? Your answer to this can be very revealing. Can your business run without you? Can your team function without you? Or do you take pride in being the cog that holds it all together…all the time? This works to a point. And then, it […]

Can Your Business Run Without You?


  Organizations are living, breathing, dynamic entities because they are made up of people. As such, two things are constant: change and conflict. A leader’s success depends very much on how they handle these two variants. Great leaders take a firefighter approach to navigating conflict. They will, first of all, seek ways to prevent it […]

How Do You Navigate Conflict?


  There is a hallmark of highly influential leadership. It is one many miss, perhaps until they have decades of experience and, for some, not even then. It is the realization that leadership is not about the leader. It is about the people they lead. There is a lifetime of wisdom in this video with […]

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