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Strength Leader Blog

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  In 2020, a pandemic occurred that continues to affect the world to this day. In 2021, a phenomenon followed. It is known as “The Great Resignation.” Over four million employees quit their jobs. The reasons vary; but, to a large degree, they reflect the fear and burnout from the pandemic, and they represent a […]

Leadership Challenge: The Great Resignation

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  Each year, at the start of a new year, countless numbers of people make New Year’s resolutions. And, according to an article, “A study of 800 million activities predicts most New Year’s resolutions will be abandoned on January 19.” Most. But not all. The key differentiator is “discipline.” Jim Rohn sums it up […]

The Bridge to Accomplishment


  In a recent podcast, John Maxwell issued a profound statement. He said, “We overestimate the event and underestimate the process.” It is the difference between focusing on goals versus focusing on growth. In the podcast, he walks through his journey from accidental growth through team growth and the lessons learned at each level. As […]

Growth and Goals


  There is a profoundly simple leadership skill that is often overlooked and underestimated. It is the practiced art of asking questions. In this podcast episode, John Maxwell tells about a time when he had an opportunity to ask questions but felt unqualified to ask them. Because of this, he walked away without tapping into […]

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