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While we live in a very automated, mass production kind of society, what people really crave are things tailored to and for them as individuals. Personalization matters. One-on-one, face-to-face, and in-person time and attention matter. As digital as we have become, there is still that need for tailored focus and attention. The word “tailor” comes […]
Deep down, every leader wishes to make an impact and to do something significant and lasting through their life’s work. But what many fail to realize is that it is not a destination; it is a leadership growth journey. In his book, The 5 Levels of Leadership, John Maxwell talks about this. While leaders aspire […]
In real estate and legal terms, “common ground” is, essentially, ground that is owned by more than one person. They have shared interest in a common property. Now, they may have vastly different ideas on what should be done with or on that property, but the key factor is that they share the same “common […]
As businesses find themselves with tighter margins, business owners are seeking ways to consolidate and streamline expenses while also increasing income. In such an environment, it is not uncommon for companies to pool resources or for a larger company to buy out a series of smaller companies, thus increasing their ability to leverage costs. While […]
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