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Strength Leader Blog

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In any business, communication is key to engagement…and engagement directly affects a company’s bottom line. Therefore, by virtue of the transitive law of mathematics we learned in school and now apply to business, communication is tied to the bottom line. Employees who feel like they are in the loop and who know the company goals are […]

Video in Business Communications

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Empowering your Employees Leads to Growth and Productivity Leaders of the business world are constantly seeking ways to improve. They look at sales strategies, operational efficiencies, and marketing tactics with a careful eye and thoughtful mind. Their goal?—to spot trends and get ahead of the curve. And one trend successful business leaders are rapidly latching […]

Growth by Empowerment


It’s no secret. Today’s “to do” list for the average business leader outpaces any version in history. The devices that were intended to make our lives easier have also made them more demanding of immediate attention. Think about it. If you sat down today and listed every task you have…in your mind, in your email, […]

Commission and Omission for Business Growth


Have you ever come away from a bad customer service experience thinking, “That person is in the WRONG job!”? You also likely went away muttering quietly, and yet hoping someone heard you saying, “I’m NEVER coming back here.” Conversely, perhaps you’ve had an outstanding customer service experience where you thoroughly enjoyed the process and were […]

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