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Each business has a unique culture and branding. Successful companies become successful because they are known for their product, service, culture, and branding. For example, there was a solid retail company that operated successfully for decades under the hallmarks of quality, reliability, and trust. This was their signature culture and branding. Their products were […]
For some, delegating comes easily. For others…not so much. You may have seen the commercial where one person says to another something along the lines of, “Can you find me a qualified plumber, check out three references, negotiate the best rates, and schedule him or her to come next Tuesday?” And then the delegator […]
“The travel budget is $6.5 million a year. We’d like for you to find a way to save 10%.” That was the mission. The travel manager went on to bring the budget down to $2.5 million – and all this at a time when travel was at an all-time company high point. Higher volume, […]
In his most recent book, Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace, John C. Maxwell addresses an all-important aspect of leadership that most learn only by experience. That aspect is the shift that is needed to become a truly effective leader. Leadership doesn’t just happen. There are those who are more naturally geared to lead […]
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