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Strength Leader Blog

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A recent podcast featured a special ops veteran who had gone on to work deep in the security and intelligence units of a major organization. Trained to be tough, and toughened even more by experience, the one thing that stood out from the interview was not what you would expect. His response, when asked about […]

The F.E.A.R. Formula

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There’s a little town in West Virginia with a big history. White Sulfur Springs became known as an area health spa in the late 1700’s. The majestic Greenbrier Resort was built and later served as a headquarters and hospital during the Civil War. In later wars, it would shelter diplomats and serve as a hospital […]

Small Town, Big Lessons


“I am having an issue. I need help ASAP.” “This is not working.” “Why isn’t this project done?” These are some of the obscure messages people send when they need help. The problem is, they don’t provide enough detail to establish context for what they are asking. It begs the question, “Help with what?” or […]

Four Important Communication Factors


Being an effective leader is very much about maintaining strong relationships. In previous articles in this mini-series, we have discussed three key relationships for leaders. Your relationship to yourself. Your relationship to your team. Your relationship to your clients and customers. In this article, we will discuss your relationship to your environment. When assessing strengths, […]

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