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Strength Leader Blog

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In business today, as never before, there is a need for agility and action. In decades past, businesses had the luxury of making decisions and moving at a more measured pace. Before the internet, research and development took longer. In-person meetings took more time to plan and required more logistics. Manufacturing automation existed, but not […]

Team Building for Agility and Action

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  This is the time of year where we are both wrapping up the current year and ramping up for the new one. Mix in several major holidays, and it is no wonder everyone is busy.   As you reflect on “YEAR END,” here are some ways to ensure you finish well.   Yourself – […]

Year End and New Year Checklist


  No matter our role we each have ample opportunity to communicate with people.  We get to talk about facts, figures, feelings, faith and more, but there is a big difference between talking and connecting.   Here is a typical scenario Jim and Judy (names changed to protect the non connecting) work in a fast […]

I’m Sorry We Have NO Connection


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This Free E-Book is a 3-part communication strategy for long-range impact. It's time to protect the bottom line, build the top line & enhance the middle line.


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