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Strength Leader Blog

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Does it ever feel like there’s just not enough time to do all that must be done? You’re not alone. Who hasn’t uttered the proverbial, “Time flies,” at some point or another? Though each of us has the same amount of time in our day as our ancestors had, we who have the most time-saving […]

5 Ways Leaders Can Keep Pace

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When I first went to school, I wanted to be the line leader. I wanted everyone to follow me. That worked great for about one day. And then…I quickly learned my first leadership lesson. You see, I did get to be the leader, but only until it was the next person’s turn. My lesson that […]

What is Leadership, Anyway?


Myriads of books have been written on the subject. Training systems are built around it. And yet the lament remains. How do I deal with difficult people? This is one of the top issues leaders face today. The fact is, you can have a great product or service. You can have solid systems. But if […]

Difficult or Different


Have you ever observed effective leaders and asked yourself, “What are their common characteristics?” You may be thinking some people are just born leaders and some are not, that certain personalities are geared toward leading. While it is true that leading comes easier for some of us by personality, it is also true that some […]

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