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Strength Leader Blog

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  In a recent John Maxwell Corporate Solutions podcast, they talked about Management by Walking Around (MBWA). It is essentially about the lost art of leaders walking slowly through the crowd and making meaningful connections, as John so often advises. In today’s society, in-person connections are more meaningful than ever. How can you make these […]

Leadership: Earning Your MBWA

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  It is no secret. The world has been through a challenging time. For some, it has been a time of loss – of loved ones, health, jobs, or a familiar and comfortable way of life. For others, it has been a time of gain – of working harder and longer, taking on added responsibilities, […]

Leading with the Gift of Encouragement


  There is a hallmark of highly influential leadership. It is one many miss, perhaps until they have decades of experience and, for some, not even then. It is the realization that leadership is not about the leader. It is about the people they lead. There is a lifetime of wisdom in this video with […]

Are You Directing or Connecting?


In the classic book on success, author Napoleon Hill shares the story of the birth of his son. Hill wrote the following: “I first saw him twenty-four years ago, a few minutes after he was born. He came into the world without any physical sign of ears. The doctor admitted, when pressed for an opinion, […]

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