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Professor A A certain professor was from a prestigious educational institution with world-wide acclaim. He graduated at the head of his class, with the highest honors. Known and respected for his mathematical genius, he easily found his way into the college classroom and into the ranks of academic leadership. His classes were not easy, and […]
There are cycles in a year where a certain type of energy prevails. Fall, for example, statistically brings the highest levels of productivity. Summertime is more a time of relaxed activity and creativity. As leaders, it behooves us to pay attention to the energy of ourselves and our people and to plan accordingly for […]
The stereotypical leader is the person out in front of the crowd, leading the charge. They are those in front of the group teaching. They are those on the stage speaking to the audience. They are the commandos making massive deals from big desks in corner offices. They are doers, speakers, and action-focused achievers. But […]
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