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Strength Leader Blog

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  Great teachers are not always those who know the most. They are those who know how to communicate what they know best. Of course, if they are the most knowledgeable on a subject AND they have great communication skills, there are amazing results for those they teach. Why is this? It is because teaching […]

Leaders as Teachers

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  This is the information age. More than at any other time in history, the world has virtually unlimited information at its fingertips. In a matter of minutes, even a child can tap into more information than a person in previous generations could acquire in a lifetime. Not only can we learn from historical resources, […]

Head of Wisdom is the Head of Business


As I look back over the past month, much has transpired, both in my business and personally. In an ironic twist, it has been busy and exciting, yet interwoven with deep challenge. The one constant through all of it has been a strong team of support, and I value every member of the team. The […]

The TEAM Formula for Life and Business


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This Free E-Book is a 3-part communication strategy for long-range impact. It's time to protect the bottom line, build the top line & enhance the middle line.


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