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Strength Leader Blog

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They are some of the most well-known innovators of our time: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos. They are also the founders and leaders of some of the world’s most highly successful companies. But the fact is, each of them started out just like the rest of us. They were born human, […]

Strengths to Legacy-8 Key Factors

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For decades, having a college education was the proverbial ticket to success. That thinking has taken a shift in recent years as college costs have soared, and demands for those skilled in trades has dramatically increased. There are some areas where the average college graduate, laden with heavy student loans, is unemployed; while those who […]

Training – One Size Does NOT Fit All


In science, there is an interesting dynamic. It is the law of expansion and contraction, the process that happens when matter is affected by outside forces. For example, when you heat water to a certain point, it expands and turns to steam. When you cool it down, it turns to liquid – or even ice. […]

The 2-Part GOALS Formula


When a business owner first starts a business, they wear many hats – the doing hat, the managing hat, and the leadership hat. It is all on them…until they reach a certain level of growth. And that is where they realize there is a lid on their growth, and that is lid is…them! At this […]

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