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Strength Leader Blog

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Being a leader is a bit like playing chess. You must know your opponent, be aware of what is currently on the board, and anticipate the next possible moves. Your strategic action is based on these three critical factors: Powers of Observation Patterns of Behavior Position of the Pieces The same holds true in business […]

The Leadership Chess Board

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On the second Monday of December, in small businesses across the country, some variation of this conversation tends to occur. Leader to Team: “I am excited! I finished my planning this weekend. I’d like to launch this new program on January 1. We have three weeks, which I know is more than enough time. And […]

Do You Have a 13-week Plan?


This series covers the 12 Habits of Effective Entrepreneurs. Click here to view previous articles. Habit #11 – Understanding Entrepreneurs tend to be project-focused and idea-driven. They are well acquainted with the hustle it takes to build a business. They work hard, and with these tools, they tend to find a good level of initial […]

12 Habits of Effective Entrepreneurs-Habit 11


This series covers the 12 Habits of Effective Entrepreneurs. Click here to view previous articles. Habit #8 – Effort It was a “Hail Mary” kind of effort. The business depended on one major initiative, at the end of the year, to carry the business through the entire next year. It was a risky “eggs in […]

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