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Strength Leader Blog

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Habit #2 – Numbers-Focused “Things are looking better and better,” said the CEO, as even the least analytical in the crowd looked incredulously at the chart showing otherwise. Within two years, the company closed its doors for good. Over 16,000 people lost their jobs, including the CEO and the people in that room. Why did […]

12 Habits of Effective Entrepreneurs-Habit 2

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  As a leader, you are expected to bring your “A” game. And you expect your team to bring theirs. In fact, this creates a winning team, when each player is performing at their highest level. This does not happen by accident. It is based on working from a point of strengths. And it is […]

Top Level Leaders and Teams


  As a leader, one of your main responsibilities is to build a solid team. This means choosing “A” players – doing your due diligence to find the best players possible. But there is a second responsibility that is often overlooked, or at least downplayed in its importance. That responsibility is the correct placement of […]

Smart Hiring Means Less Firing


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