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For the most part, everyone desires to be successful. While each individual’s definition of success will vary, there is that underlying desire to achieve certain dreams and goals in life and business. But here’s the differentiator: not everyone who wants to be successful is taking action to get there. It takes time and effort […]
You are an entrepreneur. You start a business. It’s your “baby,” and you wrap your arms around it to hold it together and protect it. Marketing – you do it all. Sales – you close the deals. Finances – you manage the books. Delivery – you create the product or service, and you ship […]
“Something is not right here.” “This work is de-energizing…draining, in fact.” “I can’t seem to get motivated about this (job, client, project). What’s wrong with me? I am normally driven to achieve, and now, all I feel is apathy.” “Details? They drive me nuts and slow my progress!” “Lack of details? This drives me […]
Collaboration is a word that literally means “the act of laboring together.” It is a buzzword of this era. Yet, with all its focus, it is still one of the greatest challenges leaders face in the workplace today. “My team can’t seem to get along.” “I have a team member who is constantly causing […]
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