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Strength Leader Blog

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  In his most recent book, Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace, John C. Maxwell addresses an all-important aspect of leadership that most learn only by experience. That aspect is the shift that is needed to become a truly effective leader. Leadership doesn’t just happen. There are those who are more naturally geared to lead […]


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  If you had to define the core of business, it would be the art of getting things done in service to others, and making a profit in doing so. It is pretty simple, really – serve others and make a profit so you can continue to serve others. “Others” in this case includes leaders, […]

Four-Part Harmony in Business


  The fourth quarter of each year brings a mixture of reflection, planning, and high activity for companies and individuals, as it should. But what if you could take that fourth quarter focus and turn it into year-round success? The good news is…you can! Consider what you do as a leader in the fourth quarter. […]

Fourth Quarter Focus to Year-round Success


  It was the fourth quarter. They were up by three touchdowns. All they had to do was maintain the lead, and the championship was theirs. The problem was, they knew it. As a result, they got complacent. The coach made bad play calls. The players lacked initiative. At the same time, the other team […]

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