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Strength Leader Blog

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For a recent client project, we are doing extensive strengths assessment around the topic of sales. “I am not a sales person!” you may be thinking. Think again. The fact is, we ALL sell on a daily basis. We sell products or services, and we sell ideas. If you communicate with anyone during the day, […]

Two Facets of a Sale

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It’s that time of year when most individuals, entrepreneurs, and company leaders launch new ideas and declutter the remnants of old ones. In the CEO’s office, plans for the new year are being executed, and analyses of the previous year are being examined along with year-end reports. In accounting, new budgets are in place, while […]

How to Better Organize Your Business This Year

Leadership In Action

What is the number one goal of your business this year? You may mention any number of specifics, but from a high level perspective, all success-focused business fundamentally have one common goal: Maximum Impact How you achieve maximum impact is dependent upon many factors. Some you cannot control – environmental and economic factors, for example. […]

Compounding Strengths for Maximum Impact


In previous articles, we have talked about strengths-based planning and strengths-based execution. In this article, we focus on strengths-based leadership. How is strengths-based leadership compared to other types of leadership? It is based on the idea that each person on your team is a leader in their own realm. The old model of the leader […]

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