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Strength Leader Blog

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It’s no secret. We live in a world of chaos, disorder, and distraction. It is affecting life and business in ways we may not be accustomed to experiencing. Even nature itself seems to be getting in on the act. As leaders, we must face the reality and find a way to lead through the circumstantial […]

Leading Through Chaos and Distraction

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  In a recent John Maxwell Leadership podcast, John talks about five factors that determine how far a leader can take their people. Here’s a hint: A leader cannot lead people to a higher level than the leader is willing to go. John mentions five areas where a leader must set the standard. Leadership skills […]

Five Areas Where a Leader Must Set the Standard


  Each year, at the start of a new year, countless numbers of people make New Year’s resolutions. And, according to an article, “A study of 800 million activities predicts most New Year’s resolutions will be abandoned on January 19.” Most. But not all. The key differentiator is “discipline.” Jim Rohn sums it up […]

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