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The stereotypical leader is the person out in front of the crowd, leading the charge. They are those in front of the group teaching. They are those on the stage speaking to the audience. They are the commandos making massive deals from big desks in corner offices. They are doers, speakers, and action-focused achievers. But […]
In just a few weeks, a very important annual event occurs. Here in New York, some might even consider it a national holiday. Sports fans, you know what it is… OPENING DAY of Major League Baseball. In our area, we take this seriously. The fact is, you can learn a lot about leadership from […]
Anyone who has experienced an iron deficiency knows that it can have some debilitating effects. You feel lethargic, you lack stamina, and it may even affect your heart. If you have tried to lead an anemic team, you know the effects can be very similar. How do you know your team is anemic? Look for […]
Click this link to listenLaunching a new training initiative never seems to come at an easy time but launching into training the team on a new process or system is necessary. In this podcast we’ll share several keys to launching a successful new training initiative. Deb Ingino is the CEO of Strength Leader Development. […]
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