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Strength Leader Blog

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As I look back over the past month, much has transpired, both in my business and personally. In an ironic twist, it has been busy and exciting, yet interwoven with deep challenge. The one constant through all of it has been a strong team of support, and I value every member of the team. The […]

The TEAM Formula for Life and Business

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This is the time of year when responsible leaders and teams are wrapping up the year and polishing off preparations for the new year. They began in September with strategic planning sessions. From those sessions, they established a 90-day plan to execute specific year-end objectives and prepare new-year initiatives. As they near the holidays, they […]

4 Ways to Get Things Done Without Frustrating Your Team


Did you know that your innate strengths show up in everything you do? We grow up in various circumstances and obtain a unique set of experiences along the way, but there is one constant: we are, innately, who we were designed to be. We may try to adjust our way into different roles based on […]

The Dangers of Over-Adapting to Your Role in Business

Leadership In Action

There are a number of stories out there right now about bad leadership – inappropriate behavior, employees being dismissed without fair compensation or even payment for compensation due, and a general disregard for those in leadership. This is not to say all leaders are bad. In fact, most are likely striving to be the best […]

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