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Strength Leader Blog

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  A few decades ago, two men came onto the scene, perhaps two of the greatest innovators of all time. They each had ideas – bigger ideas than anyone could see then. They saw a vision others had not even imagined yet. Those two men were Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. They not only changed […]

The 4 I’s Every Business Needs

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In previous eras, production involved a great deal of human analysis and estimation. Based on that, leaders of companies would produce a product and then ship it off to stores while television, print, and radio ads worked to push the consumer to the store to purchase the product. It could be profit or a loss […]

Doing Business Backwards


  In my work as a corporate consultant, the number one issue of need identified by companies is employee engagement. Why is employee engagement so important? According to studies by the Dale Carnegie Institute and statistics from the Bureau of National Affairs and the Gallup organization, companies lose $11 billion a year due to employee […]

The High Cost of Disengagement


Imagine you are at a dinner party or a networking event. Through the course of the evening, you ask several people, “What do you do?” If you observe carefully, you will notice that many define themselves as, “I work for so and so or such and such a company.” Or they may say, “I am […]

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