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Strength Leader Blog

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It is nearly the end of a quarter. Some goals are completed. Others need a full-court press to reach the finish line. And still others need to be moved forward into a new quarter or tabled altogether. There is a natural chaos that occurs in the flurry to the finish. And there is the need […]

The Quarterly SHIFT Formula for Leaders

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Leaders have a vision for the future of their organization. It is what draws the organization forward and gives it purpose. And, true to the principle, where there is no vision, the organization will perish. A vision is vital to organizational health. But having a vision is not enough. The organization must also develop a […]

Setting Seasonal Goals


Join me, along with one of Long Island’s most respected business leaders and broadcasters, Scott Passeser. Scott is the host of Radio Jobline on LIBN (Long Island Business News). He has been in leadership and behind the microphone for over 32 years and brings amazing insights to the world of work and leadership. When it […]

Leadership Broadcast


In any business or organization, there are always problems to be solved. In fact, being able to solve a problem or fill a need is the fulcrum from which a business pivots. If you are looking for a simple business formula for your business, it would be this: Business = Serving People and Solving Problems […]

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This Free E-Book is a 3-part communication strategy for long-range impact. It's time to protect the bottom line, build the top line & enhance the middle line.


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