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Strength Leader Blog

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Today’s headlines are indicative of the rapidly changing world in which we live. Someone posted a meme along the lines of, “Could we have just one day without a world-changing event?” That sums it up well. People at all levels are affected by the overwhelm and the sense that things are out of their normal […]

The Leadership CONTROL Formula

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It’s no secret. We live in a world of chaos, disorder, and distraction. It is affecting life and business in ways we may not be accustomed to experiencing. Even nature itself seems to be getting in on the act. As leaders, we must face the reality and find a way to lead through the circumstantial […]

Leading Through Chaos and Distraction


While it remains to be seen what history books will reflect on when it comes to the decade of the 2020s, one thing is certain. It will be earmarked by one word: CHANGE. Since 2020, there has been a constant state of change that escalates now on a daily basis. Business owners and leaders have […]

Five Pivot Points for Leaders


  Patterns are everywhere – in mathematics, music, art, fashion, language, technology, nature, science, mechanics, medicine, weather, time, traffic, and design. Layered in and weaved among these areas are perhaps the most interesting patterns of all – the patterns of human behavior. In all these areas, the pieces that make up the patterns – for […]

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