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Strength Leader Blog

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In times of challenge, it becomes even more important that each person bring their best strengths to the table. And, as headlines will attest, these are times of challenge. How Can a Strengths-Based Team Help You? Here is an example. The CEO sighed and delivered the news to his team. The reports were in. Sales […]

Is Your Team Up to the Challenge?

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For most people and businesses, energy and focus differ as a matter of timing. In the new year, the focus is on new beginnings. It is the time of year for New Years resolutions, organization, and for getting started on annual goals. With the focus comes high energy for “starting.” In April, the energy starts […]

Pattern Watching: Focus, Energy, and Timing


  The events of the last year and a half have profoundly affected people across the world. The changes have impacted how people live, work, think, and feel. Business leaders have experienced these changes themselves, both personally and professionally. This makes “wellness” a highly relevant leadership subject. While there certainly needs to be a focus […]

Wellness: A Highly Relevant Leadership Subject


  “I’m confused.” “I’m stuck.” “I’m burned out.” “I’m bored.” “I’m overwhelmed.” “I’m unappreciated.” If one person in your organization utters these words, it may indicate an individual need. For a leader, it may signal a great opportunity for mentorship, guidance, and process improvements, where you work with the individual to help them grow into […]

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